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Sangharakshita, Founder of Triratna
It gives me great pleasure to know FBA benefits so many people. One of the most important developments within our community for many years.
Kalyanavaca, London, UK
I love sponsoring FBA because thousands of people access our unique approach to the Dharma. I think it's is one of our finest creations.
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When I was living far from a sangha, FBA was like a good Dharma friend. Our regular contributions let it continue its indispensable work.
Ratnachuda, South London, UK
What I value about Free Buddhist Audio is the range of talks and texts from the past, right up to the present day.
Viveka, San Francisco, USA
In a famous Sutra, the walls and doors of a house disappear to accommodate hundreds of thousands of beings... FBA has that kind of magic.
Buddhasiha, Ipswich, UK
Hearing the Dharma very much inspires me. If I feel things are flagging, a talk from FBA can lift me and get my sense of inspiration moving!
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