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“Die Gabe des Dharma ist die kostbarste Gabe, die es gibt.” Der Dhammapada
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Ende 2010 werden wir über 1 Million Kopien unserer Dharmavorträge verteilt haben!
Candradasa, Portsmouth, USA
It's exciting to watch as hundreds of thousands of lives are touched by the Dharma and, hopefully, made brighter by the experience of FBA!
Vajratara, Sheffield, UK
FBA is a vast mine of jewels, a source of much joy when I have a spare hour to ponder the Universe. What gem can I download today?
Padmatara, San Francisco, USA
Being in San Francisco I value easy access to talks from so many different people in Triratna - not just the famous ones! Like Pirate Radio!
Ratnavyuha, Auckland, NZ
I make it a practice to act on generous impulses. Supporting FBA is a small gesture for me but maintains a significant resource for others.
Advayasiddhi, Køge, Denmark
At FBA we can listen to Sangharakshita in his own voice, talk about the Dharma his own way. And that builds up our own relationship with him.
Sangharakshita, Founder of Triratna
It gives me great pleasure to know FBA benefits so many people. One of the most important developments within our community for many years.
Viriyalila, Boston, USA
FBA lets me hear the whole of our community's 'voice', and sit in a room with Sangharakshita as he elucidates the Dharma's oral tradition.
Padmavajri, East Sussex
How wonderful to listen to a wealth of deeply inspiring Dharma talks by so many experienced practitioners of the Dharma. I feel blessed.
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